AI-powered tools can help repurpose articles into social media posts, summarizing content and creating engaging, platform optimized copy. Here’s a look at the best options.

Create Social Media post with the following AI tools

Description: generates compelling social media posts from articles, adjusting tone and style to fit various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  


Key Features:

  • Social media post generation for multiple platforms.
  • Summarization and key takeaways from articles.
  • Multiple tone and style options.

Jasper (formerly Jarvis)

Description: Jasper takes an article or blog post and repurposes it into social media posts tailored for platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter.  


Key Features:

  • AI-generated social media captions.
  • Templates for various platforms.
  • Tone and style adjustments.

Description: Lately automatically transforms longform content into multiple short form social media posts, complete with hashtags, mentions, and links.  


Key Features:

  • AI-generated social media posts from articles.
  • Content scheduling and management.
  • Cross Platform posting capabilities.



Description: QuillBot can summarize or re-phrase sections of your article to generate engaging social media posts, making it easier to tailor content for different platforms.  


Key Features:

  • AI-powered summarization and paraphrasing.
  • Customizable tone and style options.
  • Expand or simplify content for different platforms.