Get More Clients In As Little As 30 Days

We Help Lawyers in solo practice or partnership To

build digital marketing programs so that they can

have premium clients come them And truly

experience the freedom of running an independent


Does This Sound Like You?

Currently, you are focused on generating new prospective clients

and turning them into billable clients, right?


So, let me ask you a question...


Would you be ecstatic if you could get warm leads, build credibility among a larger audience, and provide ancillary services to a new and existing client base? Because if you could do those things, ultimately, that would mean

you could become known as the top expert in your area of practice and develop a large referral network! (Which would be amazing!)


Unfortunately, I also get the sense there are some roadblocks for you here, including figuring out how to:

  • Get more prospective clients to seek YOU out
  • Have prospective clients pre-qualify themselves; and
  • Reduce or eliminate ineffective marketing activities that take time from case work or from personal life

  • Have expert help WITHOUT hiring a full time marketing team

Sound familiar?


Another thing...


Are you also really frustrated by the fact that implementing new technology can be frustrating and time consuming? Building a good marketing systems either requires a dedicated staff member or a pricy marketing firm that requires $30K or more for entry level services. Also, coming up with the right words for online marketing is NOT and easy process!


Plus, do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?


  • Can I really build a steady flow of billable clients from online marketing?
  • Can online marketing be more effective than traditional media such as billboards and TV?
  • How do I turn my billable clients into "referral machines"?

One last question... do you ever find yourself thinking

  • "I don't have time to learn, build and constantly refine an online marketing systems."
  • "I am not sure which tools to use to build an online marketing system."
  • "I'll be locked into to a long term financial commitment."

... I know most attorney's do!


And finally, to make matters even worse, sometimes (no matter what you do) it just plain feels like large established law firms are actively going out of their way to sabotage your success. Their access allow them to

generate new prospective clients and turn them into into billable clients! Well, let me tell you, I know exactly how you feel because I've been there myself... more than once! When all is said and done, my guess is you really just want to have premium clients come to YOU, have more time to devote to case work

and continuing education, and have more time for personal pursuits and relationships . Yes?


If this sounds at all like you...


I'd like to invite you to check out my Free Law Office Marketing checklist, Law Office Marketing Automation, at so you can Experience the true freedom of running an independent practice

(without becoming a marketing guru). If you want to get clear on who your best clients are, obtain the best marketing tech for your practice at the best price, and handle ALL the technical aspects of building and implementing an online marketing system in as little as 30 days... then Law Office Marketing Automation is

definitely for you.

The Expert's Guide to Getting Warm Leads for Lawyers

This ebook makes it easy to understand the technology required for digital marketing, instantly set practice apart from hundreds of lawyers, and take charge of your revenue generating capabilities through great digital marketing.

  • Define your DREAM CLIENT, so that you don't waste money on marketing to ill-fitting clients
  • Learn the tools needed to effectively engage and funnel clients to your digital doorstep so
  • that you can maximize revenue
  • Create a following around your speciality so that your practice is synonymous with success in your area

Technical Implementation For Digital Marketing



This digital marketing service makes it easy to quickly put an effective funnel based marketing system in place for your law office, generate a steady flow of prospective clients, and spend less time with the WRONG prospective clients and more time with family and friends.

  • We guide you through the planning process to ensure we focus on the right type of client you
  • want to help
  • Next, we'll do the technical heavy lifting: building funnels, email sequences and information products for your potential clients
  • Finally, we'll launch your marketing system so that it reaches potential clients on the we b, Instagram, Facebook and more!